The Joseph Luster Retort

Just Another Pseudo-Handicapped Haley Joel Osment Fan

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

the world's most fearsome doo doo smuggler

REports just in, a man was arrested in Thailand who is a suspect in the murder of that hot little beauty queen from coloRADo. The man was none other than Joe Luster. Check out this exclusive Joe Earl comic. Not the changing reality, emphasizing the the many planes of douche baggery that Joseph Luster exists upon!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Back and better than ever

We were on hiatus at the Joseph Luster Retort while we idled away the nights at an underage sex paradise. This was, of course, under cover work, tailing the nefarious Joe Luster as he licked clean the butts of many a young Pakistani bois. We promise to stay diligent in our efforts to thwart the grotesque meanderings and to put his insane victriol back into context.

As part of our continued efforts, we're starting up a satirical comic, lampooning the evil machinations of the world's #1 booty digger. We hope you enjoy the Adventures of Joe Earl.