Some people (read: assholes) would make light of the warnings of epileptic siezures our dear game manuals proclaim. Well, let me tell you. It saved my young life. I was playing Silent Hill and not being scurred because I'm not a pussy when this annoying fuck called me on the phone and was like, "hey boi", and I was all, "fuck!" I saw flashes of light and I couldn't breathe and I started making saliva bubbles, BUT NOT ON PURPOSE!
I grabbed my instruction booklet where it said, receiving phone calls from joey coco while playing silent hill can cause extreme gay and epileptic siezures. So I immediately hung up the phone and my symptoms went bye bye.
one other point about instuction manuals. Where did all the awesome artwork go? Take Guardian Heroes, por ejemplo:

First of all, it made it seems like you were this hot lord of the dance dude who beat up skeletons. That's a game I want to play. But more importantly, they cleverly tricked everyone into thinking this wasn't some big mouth japonees cartoon ching chong game. Good work, fellas.